Contact information:
If you want to contact the J.W Conway Bunkerhill Post 26 you can call me at (617) 502-0592 and leave a message. you can also email which is a geranel mailbox or myself
Coming soon:
Coming soon on the website will be the Constitution and By-law so all members can download and have a copy of the information, also we will be listing the Offices that are held with email to contact the person holding the offices so if members need help with anything they can contact that person..
Fruit for thought:
Quote for the summer is, Three grand essentials to happiness in this life today are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. by Joseph Addison
Updated Monday, Oct 22, 2018 10:52 AM
Other Links
¹ American Legion National Headquarters
¹ American Legion Department of MA
¹ U.S Department of Veterans Affairs
¹ MA Department of Veterans Affairs
If you are retired or still on active duty service and would like to join the Charlestown American Legion J.W. Conway Bunkerhill Post 26
Website administrator
Contact: Sam Morris at (617) 398-3040 we would be proud to have you aboard.